Thursday, August 4, 2011

first day

Today we learned about biodiversity and what defines it. It was interesting and nice. There are ten people and some of them are older than I am because I am in team eleven, the youngest group participating in the research teams.

-Hollis L


  1. so am i, but the older people seem ok, and the biodiversity was really interesting.

  2. I agree it was really interesting... for example the sixth extinction was really interesting to learn about because even though we learned about it I didn't really remember.

  3. yes, and i wonder how the other extictions started.

  4. Yeah the older people are pretty okay I guess.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. At least my understanding of the other extinctions is that they're sort of a natural reaction to having stability for such a long period of time. Perhaps similar to how its natural for forest to have small forest fires every so often and how economical recessions occur periodically. Everything can't be good all the time, not that extinctions are all negative. Just as small forest fires rejuvenate a forest, I would think that biodiversity is similarly refreshed after a natural extinction.
