Thursday, August 4, 2011

The FIRST blog post

Today's class was the third class yet. The first class was pretty fun, and we went over a lot of the stuff I didn't know about biodiversity, like the Sixth Extinction, and about eco-systems and regions). No phones yet, they are still in the programming stage, which is a surprise for me , not because I expected to have them right away, but because I thought we were going to use our personal phones, and I was starting to get worried about the fact that my phone was out of battery. Anyhow, there are no complains from me, except that the air conditioning it too high, and I keep forgetting to bring a sweat shirt. Anybody else feel that way?
Eric C.


  1. I lost my phone. And I am very cold also. But today I wore pants!

  2. im glad we are getting phones because I DONT HAVE ONE and i wonder when we are getting them.

  3. Even with my sweater on I'm still soooo cold!!! I think they just need to turn down the AC. :)

    @Student05 I think we're getting the phones next week. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. same here except i don't really want them to overheat... they might break.

  6. if you are cold go to
    it might help

  7. the picture of the fireplace just warms my heart.
