Thursday, August 4, 2011

First day blog post

Two days ago was the first day of the Urban Biodiversity Network.We were not using the phones yet because they are still being programmed. We were learning about biodiversity and what it means instead. I guessed we were going to be blogging about this everyday which was going to be weird because i had never blogged before. I suposed that this was going to be instead of entries in a science notebook. I need to think of a cool sign off. Any Ideas?
Liam K.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice blog. You might as well read what I am going to say right now as I am typing now because I am sitting right next to you and you are going to read it anyways.
    P.S. about the sign off, you should just keep asking for ideas, and that could be your sign off. Mine is "bye"(Hint Hint, READ MY BLOG POST).
