Thursday, August 18, 2011

Platanus acerifolia

The London Planetree or Platanus acerifoliais one of the most common trees in New York. It is used as alone sidewalks and makes a great archway affect. The tree has a "peely" bark, you probably peeled before (don't its not good for the tree).


  1. I used to peel the bark all the time in my younger years. Its interesting to know that it is bad for the tree to do that. Any odd things you(everyone) used to do as a kid?

  2. My brother used to bang his head into the wall when he was mad. He was like 4 though. :)

  3. well, i used to say that i was allergic to every thing i dident like so i dident have to eat it, it got me in huge trouble because people started asking me if i carried an epi pen.
